اطلاعات تماس
ایران- همدان
خیابان هنرستان، مرکز رشد دانشگاه بوعلی‌سینا، ط ۱، واحد 4


Videos for your leisure time!

If you are exhausted from work pressure and life challenges, we suggest Avatab.

This category includes three packages: Majazestan, Adrenaline and Delaram.

Majazestan consists of more than 110 interesting 360 videos and animations which take you to a world of excitement, entertainment, happiness, and new experiences. With Majazestan you can play soccer with Ronaldo, experience sky diving, and visit Jurassic Park!

Delaram is a package for relaxation, meditation and comfort. If you like to walk in the lush woods, watch the sunset at beach, fly in the clouds, or behold the wonders of underwater, Delaram is the best choice for you. This Package with more than 40 beautiful and breathtaking videos fills your mind with tranquility.

If you are searching for excitement with a touch of fear and horror, Adrenaline is the one for you. this package consists of more than 30 horror videos that will immerse you in a fearful and exciting experience!

This Category also includes some exciting and interesting games for all ages.

آواتاب - مجازستان - بالن‌سواری
آواتاب - مجازستان - ابرقهرمانان
آواتاب - مجازستان خردسالان - ابرقهرمانان