اطلاعات تماس
ایران- همدان
خیابان هنرستان، مرکز رشد دانشگاه بوعلی‌سینا، ط ۱، واحد 4


We created MehrTab for people with ASD to teach them some most-needed skills.

If you know someone diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or other mental disabilities, tell them about Mehrtab.

Mehrtab currently has two subcategories: HesAgah and GeometryPark

HesAgah is a collection of 22 short 360 videos that are designed to teach children with ASD to read emotions. Children with ASD commonly have difficulty reading emotions from others’ faces. This is mainly because they are too detail-oriented which makes classification hard for them. Thus, we tried to simplify emotions for them with color coding and shape coding.

The child that gets distressed in public, can go to school and learn from other kids, without undergoing the anxiety of being among them or leaving “mom/caregiver”’ safe corner.

In every video, children see their virtual presence among other kids who are playing and talking and some emotions naturally arise among them. When emotions figure on the actors’ faces, a flashing sign appears on the face, to draw attention and teach the emotion.


Geometry Park is a Virtual Reality (VR) game designed to teach colors, geometrical 2D and 3D shapes, size and orientation to people with ASD or people with mental disabilities. Using this game, people will feel themselves in a safe jungle that is filled with 2D and 3D shapes in different colors and sizes. Care-givers share the view with player and guide them through the process. Player will be guided to the shapes and encouraged to knock them over, e.g.: “go to the red square and knock it over”. When they see and hear the objects falling, they get excited and encouraged to keep playing the game and through that they gradually learn the names of shapes and objects and get familiar with sizes and orientation concepts.

This package is quite useful and efficient for teaching geometric shapes.

حس‌آگاه - غم و خشم - مهرتاب
Anger And Sadness
جنگل هندسه - آشنایی با شکل‌های هندسی و رنگ‌ها - مهرتاب
حس‌آگاه - ترس - مهرتاب
جنگل هندسه - آشنایی با شکل‌های هندسی و رنگ‌ها - مهرتاب
حس‌آگاه - شادی - مهرتاب
جنگل هندسه - آشنایی با شکل‌های هندسی و رنگ‌ها - مهرتاب