اطلاعات تماس
ایران- همدان
خیابان هنرستان، مرکز رشد دانشگاه بوعلی‌سینا، ط ۱، واحد 4


Travel wherever you like with RahTab

This package is currently divided to four collections:

Mehrab will take you to holy shrines and pilgrimages such as Karbala, Mecca and Medina. With Mehrab you can participate in Arbaeen walk, pray at masjid al nabawi or experience the battle of Karbala.


Jahangard as been specifically created for tourism. With jahangard you can travel to all around the world and watch various tourism attractions of different countries across five continents.


This package includes various types of virtual tours which are prepared for introducing educational, entertainment, sports, and tourism attractions according to the clients’ request.



Canadagard is a package dedicated to virtual trips to Canada. Here you can drive in Vancouver streets, go biking under autumn trees in Edmonton, watch various lakes, and enjoy natural attractions of Canada!  

To watch these short fun videos, you just need to hold a simple VR headset in front of your eyes and visit our youtube channel!

رهتاب - محراب - واقعه کربلا
رهتاب - جهانگرد - هندوستان - تاج محل
رهتاب - کاناداگرد - ادمونتون 1
رهتاب - محراب - زیارت کعبه
رهتاب - جهانگرد - نیویورک - ایالات متحده
رهتاب - کاناداگرد - ونکوور
رهتاب - تور مجازی - مرکز رشد دانشگاه بوعلی سینا
رهتاب - جهانگرد - لندن - انگلیس
رهتاب - کاناداگرد - ادمونتون 2